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Writer: Illa Lynn- Love Life Coach Illa Lynn- Love Life Coach

Updated: Jan 13, 2021

Have you ever wondered if you can spot a real narcissist? Maybe you encountered them in your dating life, or you might even be living with one. To clarify and confirm you might be dealing with a narcissist, here is a list of most popular character traits.

Most narcissistic people behave the same way, so it is easier to spot and eliminate them from your life when you can identify them sooner than later.

They love to be the center of attention and are often irrational and detrimental to one’s mental health. Some call them toxic.

Staying around them for extended period can cause serious neurological damages and trauma, studies have shown over the years.

So, in that being said let us look at the 7 traits of a narcissistic person.

1.They Are Charming and Likeable

Initially when you meet them, narcissists can seem like they are the perfect package. This happens because they can read people, give them exactly what they want, they say the right things and do the right stuff just to hook you in. They are great actors.

This stage is referred to as “love bombing” You get showered with gifts, love, care , validation , admiration and alike, making you feel oh so very special. Once you fall head over heels and they have you, that’s when they take off the mask and begin to show their true face.

2. Ego Centric

They behave as if everything revolves around them. They demand praise and love to feel acknowledged all the time. They have been known to demand physical encounters as well. Their Ideas are the best. They know it all and the World would end if it wasn’t for them.

Ego Centric behavior is an indicator that you are dealing with a narcissist.

Naturally you are non-existent, your needs no longer matter and they could care less about your feelings or opinion.

3. No Remorse

Narcissists do not show any remorse when their actions hurt others. They come across very cold, borderline evil. There is no regard for any wrong-doing and God forbid you ask them to apologize; all Hell breaks loose. How can they possibly be wrong?

It is all your fault for making them feel that way, or for reacting that way. Had you not said that or done that, this wouldn’t have happened.

4. Accelerated Anger

Anger is often used as a defense mechanism by narcissistic people. They can go 0-180 in under a minute. They have been known to scream, throw, shout, curse, push, hit or stomp.

If they don’t get their way, they throw tantrums. Yes, just like 3 yrs old kids do when they want something and parents say NO.

If you ever call them on that, it will be denied and make them angrier. You bruise their Egos.

There is no winning with them, so you may consider giving in. DON’T.

Best to remove yourself from the situation as quickly as you can. Especially if you are threatened, called names or are degraded in any way.

5. Pathological Liars

As great as they are actors, that are also gifted at being talented pathological liars. They are quick to tell you a lie, and even convince you that it is true. They are witty at twisting your words and using it for their gain. They also have a wild imagination and can mesmerize you with their made up reality.

Don’t fall for that. Remember when something is too good to be true, it usually is.

6. Impatient, Compulsive & Controlling

Narcissists are very impatient. They lack a sense of understanding and always appear in a rush, or are known to rush others. This causes the others to feel anxious and stressed, which is food supply for someone like them. When you are anxious and stressed, you will be easier to control. So remain calm and collected.

7. Loyal Entourage of Flying Monkeys

People who are close to the narcissist are bad news. They are most likely hoaxed into believing everything that the narcissist says and don’t think for themselves. These individuals are labeled as Flying Monkeys.

The narcissist is like a bad virus that has infected all of them and now they are converted and are ready to oblige. They may attempt to get close to you and pretend to be on your side, just to turn on you the very minute they get a chance. Be aware and be smart. Don’t trust those flying around the narcissist.

These are just a few of the characteristics of a narcissist. If you spot any of these red flags, stay away, no matter how amazing things may seem, how much love bombing happens and how many “right” things they say to you.

If you are living with one, begin planning your exit plan. Reach out to someone you can trust for moral support and to help you with escape plan

If you have kids seek legal advise and consider looking into protective orders. Document everything and communicate in writing i.E text, as proof is essential for legal proceedings. Be intentional with selfcare not matter what, because when your cup if full you will have the strength to prevail. If you are already going through separation or divorce, check out Rebecca Zung and learn some top shop negotiation skills.

People have lost their sanity, self-esteem and in some cases lives getting tied up with a narcissist and feeling helpless and trapped. Don’t be one of them. Take charge and get out. Remember it is your divine right to live a pain-free meaningful life.



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